Family Art Night: Assemblage Sculpture & Louise Nevelson - Feb. 22

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Inspired by the Ukrainian-American artist Louise Nevelson and her creative, giant “collage” sculptures, create your own unique mini “assemblage” sculpture using recyclables and glue! Nevelson joined regular and random items (like furniture, wood, tools, and machinery) together to make massive art pieces of unity. We will use smaller things like bottle caps and twisty ties, feathers, pencils, wire and cardboard. Turn your shapes and textures into a unique sculpture that (once dry) will be spray painted ONE color to bring all the chosen “mish-mash” and collaged parts together, as one.

Each participant creates their own sculpture. Instruction provided, with lots of room for creativity. All supplies provided, including aprons for children. Themed coloring pages provided for younger participants and early finishers.

Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

Learning: American Art History, Louise Nevelson & Modern Art, Assemblage vs. Collage, Balance, Texture, and Composition

•  This project needs time to dry in the At Studio before being spray painted to completion; it will be ready for pick-up 2-3 days after this Family Night class! 
•  Liquid glue as well as hot glue will be used/available; this project is still suitable for younger children with adequate adult supervision.

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